Monday, August 22, 2011

How I Survived Summer School

As many of you know, I am a college student who just re-discovered reading about 2 years ago. And I mainly write reviews for books, but there are rare occasions such as today that I also write about TV shows. I am going into my last semester of college this coming semester, but in order to do that I had to take 3 upper division courses in summer school. When I signed up I thought I might die just thinking about how much work I had to get done. The first month I was a mess and stressed out to the point I would break down almost every day. Then something truly amazing happened. I discovered while avoiding thinking about summer school and the work I had to do, a TV show that I wasn’t sure I would like but wanted to give a chance. Smallville.

After watching 2 seasons of Smallville, I was more relaxed and carefree about my classes and getting my work done on time. Smallville saved my life this summer and I thought it would only be right to write about this amazing show on my blog. Smallville is a show people can relate to and even re-watching an episode gives me thrills. I love all the characters, the concept, the storylines, how the show progresses, and takes viewers on this roller coaster ride that you don’t want to end. Without Smallville, I would still be a basket case and be worrying about my upcoming final semester. It is very rare that I find a show to be everything I need it to be in order to make me committed to it and so emotionally involved that I do a cheerleader dance every time I decide to re-watch it. Most of you know what the show is about and if not go to your local library and check out a season or two because it is worth it. 8 smirks to Smallville, the show that saved my life and helped me survive summer school.

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