Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa

Review of The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa

To Be Released: October 25, 2011

6 out of 5 smirks

Synopsis: "Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing. Unless he can earn a soul.

To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.

To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.

And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.”

The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa is a lot like Ash himself. Since it is Ash’s journey, it is very action packed, with mysterious trials and crazy unimaginable creatures that haunt different parts of the Neverever. I don’t want to give any spoilers because frankly that is what makes this book so good. As I was reading I was more surprised, outraged, and hurt (in the best, most invested way possible) by all the mysterious surprises that go along with Ash’s story. I also love how Julie Kagawa describes everything in such detail that we as readers feel we are right alongside the characters.

The main characters Ash, Puck, and, of course, Grim are what make The Iron Knight such an enjoyable, thrilling read. Ash is a fantasy come to life, the bad boy prince whose heart is as cold as his icy palace. He’s every girls dream; loyal, determined, motivated, who rarely smiles but when he does the whole world melts away. In The Iron Knight we get to see more of the true Ash; the way he thinks, feels, and sees his life and those in it. It is truly an experience to cherish because as most of you know, it is hard to get Ash to say anything or show emotion. As for Puck himself, always a prankster, his sarcasm and love to joke always tugs your heart strings. Puck is reality(not in a bad way, but a way to look forward to), he is the guy who makes you laugh, is at your back at all times (even if you don’t think you deserve it), always has a witty comeback, first to smile, and sarcastic comments galore. Puck is the man you end up marrying in reality, he’s just too irresistible to let go. Grim, as always, poofs in and out, always quick with his sharp tongue, and rarely accepts or gives compliments. These characters make The Iron Knight what it is; which is a truly phenomenal story about love, friendship, loss, pain, weakness, conscience, regrets, and memories (kind of like reading what it is like to be human from a fey perspective).

The reason The Iron Fey Series is one of my favorite series is because in each book Julie pulls you into the storyline. You are invested in the characters and when they fail, you fail, their heart breaks, yours does as well. It is an emotional journey and that is why these books are so spetacular. The Iron Fey Series makes you believe in the Neverever, wars fought in distance worlds parallel to ours, love lost, pranks and magic that you didn’t think could be possible. Julie has a unique way of pulling the reader into being an additional character. You feel the emotions of the other characters and can’t help but laugh, cry, get outraged, scared, and determined. It is like visiting a world you only wished and dreamt about. The Iron Fey Series makes reading great books, a magical experience that is one of a kind.

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