Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen

Review of Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen

To Be Released: October 18, 2011

5 out of 5 smirks

Synopsis: “Once upon a time…the Blood Sorcerer vanquished the kingdom of Elden. To save their children, the queen scattered them to safety and the king filled them with vengeance. Only a magical timepiece connects the four royal heirs…and time is running out…

For practical Reda Weston, nothing could explain how reading a sexy version of “Little Red Riding Hood” catapulted her into another realm—face-to-fang with the legendary wolf-creature who seduced women. A wolf who transformed into a dark, virile man…

Dayn cursed the Sorcerer that turned him wolfyn and damned him to a lonely fate. As a beast, he mated with women to gain strength. Strength he needed to rescue his royal parents. But as a man, he craved Reda’s heated, sizzling touch. With little time left, Dayn had to either embrace his wolf to save his kingdom…or fight it to save his woman.”

Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen continues on the story of the Royal House of Shadows Series, in a rendition of Little Red Riding Hood. I found Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen to reach a part of my inner reader that the other renditions of fairytales have not been able to contact. This rendition of Little Red Riding Hood had more adventure, excitement, thrills, and uncertainty which the original lacked. My inner reader also felt a connection to the characters Dayn and Reda because they were each paralyzed by a fear that didn’t want to identify. That’s what makes these characters relatable, is they show a fear for something other than losing one another. I find it to be refreshing in a romance story because it shows depth and courage. I gave Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen 5 smirks because the rendition was executed perfectly, the storyline keeps the readers wondering, it continues on with the major theme in this series book, and the characters reflect reality.

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